Leyform and environmental policies

Eco-sustainable chairs, armchairs and sofas

Environmental and eco-sustainable policies

Environmental issues

Leyform has for some years been paying constant attention to environmental issuessedie e poltrone riciclabiliand has embraced eco-sustainability. It offers its customers office and community seating with solutions that are the result of research into materials and processes aimed at ensuring a purchase that causes the least environmental impact during and at the end of their life cycle. The production process has been awarded the ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate and the ISO 14001:2004 environmental certificate; Leyform believes that correct management of environmental issues is a strategic factor for the sustainable development of the business and takes into consideration its effects on the environment.

Our philosophy

Protecting the environment and people's health is an important commitment for Leyform. That is why our chairs comply with the most stringent national and international standards for safety and for environmental protection and sustainability.

Ideas / Project